Members and Officers Gather for Awards Presentation
Boston, MA: On August 26th, Boston Toastmasters honored several members who achieved a Competent Communicator, Competent Leadership, or Advanced Award in communication or leadership over the past year. Attendees of the awards presentation included Brett Burdick, ACB, CL; Amber Knight, CC; Hervert Mendez, CC; and immediate-past President Amniya Shahbozova, CC, ALB. They, along with 10 other members who could not attend, successfully completed the annual Race To CC contest held by Boston Toastmasters.
Held annually between the last Tuesday in January through the last Tuesday in May, the Race To CC contest has provided extra incentive for members to progress in their journeys to become better speakers and leaders. This year, 14 members achieved a total of 16 CC, CL and Advanced Awards. Their hard work helped Boston Toastmasters earn the Toastmasters President’s Distinguished Award for the first time in the club’s 45-year history. The club achieved this award by meeting 9 of 10 club objectives set out by Toastmasters International. These objectives include earning multiple educational awards, signing up new members, having club officers attend training and submitting club dues on-time.
About Boston Toastmasters:
Boston Toastmasters is a community of roughly 80-100 members who are looking to improve their public speaking skills. The club meets every Tuesday, unless otherwise announced. Boston Toastmasters’ membership includes speakers at all skill levels, with beginners and intermediate skill levels making up the majority. The club is part of Toastmasters International, which is a world leader in communication and leadership development.